Executive Director, The New Jersey Council on Developmental Disabilities (NJCDD)

Mercedes Witowsky has been privileged to work in a field supporting individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) and other disabilities for nearly 40 years. In addition, she has championed multiple family advocacy efforts across the state. Equality, citizenship, choice and control are at the core of her personal values and beliefs.
Witowksy has been a driving force in establishing a Family Advisory Council to the NJ Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD), providing valuable input as the system transitions to Fee for Service. She led the creation of the NJ Developmental Disabilities Advocacy Network (DDAN), bringing together stakeholders to establish and implement a collective advocacy agenda. On the national level, she served for 15 years as the state’s representative to the American Network of Community Options and Resources (ANCOR). Her advocacy efforts have focused on strengthening the voices of self-advocates and families to communicate their needs to service providers and government agencies.
Witowsky earned her teaching degree in Special Education from Kean University. She is also the proud parent of Anthony and Tina, a young lady with multiple disabilities.
Her commitment is to be part of the solution that guides New Jersey to be a reliable and sustainable system for thousands of services recipients in our great state.

We set a new course of action for the next five years

With our son at the table, we recently gathered the whole family and reevaluated many aspects of the plan that directs his lifestyle….

We would like to sincerely thank PLAN|NJ

We would like to sincerely thank PLAN|NJ for everything — your services, your help and your caring….

Each small change presents a new adjustment

Each small change in my son’s health presents a new adjustment that we all must make: a new exercise protocol, a new doctor, a new work environment or residential program….

Top 7 Reasons to Choose PLAN|NJ – One parent’s view:

TRUST You can unequivocally trust the staff at PLAN|NJ to care about your loved one as if they were a member of their own family (which they figuratively become when you choose PLAN|NJ)…

Our family highly recommends and wholeheartedly endorses PLAN|NJ

“Our family highly recommends and wholeheartedly endorses PLAN|NJ to anyone looking for help caring for and protecting a loved one with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Our daughter is 17 years old and has IDD…


“We rest easier knowing there is a comprehensive plan in place for our daughter that will assist others in guiding her day-to-day life, as well as her long-term stability and well-being, when we are no longer here.”


“I have a true appreciation for PLAN|NJ because in view of COVID-19 and all of the shut downs and quarantines, PLAN|NJ has continued steady operations throughout the pandemic.”



People with Disabilities

Families & Friends

Attorneys & Financial Planners

Human Service Providers


One in four adults in the United States lives with an intellectual,

developmental, or physical disability or a mental health challenge. 


Your tax-deductible donation will help us enhance the quality of life for more people with disabilities and their families through services that promote self-determination, provide exemplary care coordination, and guide them in their financial affairs. Please help support our work by making a contribution today!



Planned Lifetime Assistance Network of New Jersey (PLAN/NJ)
PO Box 547
Somerville, NJ 08876-0547
908-575-8300 (Phone)
908-927-9010 (Fax)


Alliance for the Betterment of Citizens with Disabilities
Association of People Supporting Employment First
National Alliance on Mental Illness
National Guardianship Association
National PLAN Alliance


PLAN|NJ’s mission is to help families of individuals with disabilities answer all of the challenging questions embedded within the larger one: “Who will care for my loved one when I am gone?”

We coordinate the supports needed by individuals with intellectual, developmental and physical disabilities, and challenges with mental health, including people with autism, cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injury, severe mental illness and more.